lol, rock on
the loading screen was hard to catch cos my hand eye coordination's crap, but the rest was pretty damn funny, and cool. nice animations, i liked it. 4 out of 5
lol, rock on
the loading screen was hard to catch cos my hand eye coordination's crap, but the rest was pretty damn funny, and cool. nice animations, i liked it. 4 out of 5
gimme a break, put your talent to GOOD uses, ppl
there are SO many talented people on this site that use up their animation skills by making cartoons about violence, sex, and total prejudice. hey he's gay, let's push him off a cliff. NOT FUNNY. some people in this world ARE gay dont ya know. and if you intentionally hurt them, your an immiture prejudiced hate criminal who should be locked away forever.
cymbalize this!
ads= arsewipe in this site, specially if they aint funny. nice animation and the song was cool, but the toon was stupid and overall dull. sorry homez, try humor, maybe.
wow man, i like claymation, it was cool, the floating was coolful, and it was the type of random slightly violent i don't hate. sculpt on
as i expected
i fucking hate it. bear in mind i ONLY watched it because i always watch things i plan on reviewing, so that my review is always correct. i didn't know if that was just a title, but indeed, it was just stupid violence without any logic. perhaps if that is how your mind functions, you should be the stick and i'll be the tumbleweed, okay?
Seems like you should probably think before you speak. Better yet, don't speak at all. You just look dumb.
Using phrases like "stupid violence" pretty much ruins all credibility you think you have. Let me know when you can understand multi-syllable words and comprehend simple concepts such as "random", "violence", and "reviewing". Giving a zero in all categories just further proves how clueless you are. You're the kind of person that give Newgrounds a bad name.
the only REASON im not blamming this toon is because it made me laugh. i laughed yes, but. for what REASON did 15 seconds of your toon talk about rape from a perverted little ignoramous? if you know ANYTHING about rape, you'd not be wrighting that script. keep animating, unless your only REASON for animating is trying to make people laugh with your evil little fantasies. grow the fuck up.
flat average, dissapointment
and the 1st one was so damn good. the first one made me laugh and feel sorry for Jonny. But this, this was stupid humor, senseless violence, good music, and not much else to speak of. an easy mediocre, you're good animator and you have a good choice in msic. but as of this episode, i can't quite figure out your humor. it seems now as if you are aiming towards and audience of infants. revert to your old style, and i'll like your stuff more. my personal opinion, but hey, that's what these reviews are for right? good job i guess.
i'm goin with yanks
i dont usually blam unless omething really does SUCK, becuase people actually work to make these. but, cmon, that was just unbearable to watch, i had to stop halfway thru. sorry, but, next time, to make it better... actually try, and if you DID, try on this one, well then, good luck trying to get a job as an animator.
Wow aren't you just a sour little prick.
By the way, nice pic of Brad Pitt on your profile, what a touch. Aint you clever!
Age 39, Male
Santa Cruz, California
Joined on 2/27/05